On September 11, 2017, LSPR held a seminar for acceleration programme batch 12. It  held in prof. Dr. Djajusman auditorium and performance hall, this event aims to introduce Postgraduate Program to acceleration students. Post Graduate Program LSPR itself has a vision By 2020, the Postgraduate Program targets to be the center of the drive for the development and practice in both national and international stages.

The participants listened about the post graduate programme from Dr. Joe Harrianto Setiawan

The event was opened with a presentation from Dr. Joe Harrianto Setiawan who gave an explanation of what is Postgraduate Program, majors in Postgraduate Program LSPR, and the system implemented in the Acceleration Program. The program is designed  to provide an opportunity to the undergraduate students of LSPR  to finish their study in the post graduate level faster than the regular program. Because the program allows the students to take postgraduate classes while proposing and completing their thesis.

Dr. Rino F. Boer explained about plagiarism

After the first session is over the acceleration students take a break by eating dinner at canteen lspr. After that, the second session with the presentations from Dr. Rino F. Boer who  gave a briefing on plagiarism. Where plagiarism is strictly prohibited and can lead to failure. (Cut/Citra M)

The participants enjoyed their dinner