On Thursday, January 17, 2019 LSPR International Relations 20-2C students, the Grown Food Save the Future group (GFSF) held an iPlant Talk event with the theme “Start Green For Your Better Future” at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium, Campus B, LSPR-Jakarta. This event is a collaboration with the Komunitas 1000 Kebun, Eco Bio Organic, and the Green Building Council Indonesia.

Project from IR 20-2C
The event started at 16:30 with the registration. MC, Shannyta, and a presentation from Mr. Yodi Danusastro, Director of the Green Building Council Indonesia, opened the event. After that, it was followed by a talk show with MC and the three related agencies.

Mrs. Evy Harjanto and Mrs. Vania gave speech about Eco Bio Organic
The next event was a workshop held by Mrs. Evy Harjanto from Eco Bio Organic and Ms. Vania Febriyantie from the Komunitas 1000 Kebun. In this workshop, the audience was taught how to make mini gardens at home using planting media in baskets.

A group project with theme “Start Green For Your Better Future”
“Plants have a variety of species, so the treatment is different as well as how we plant them in the type of soil that is suitable for the type of plant,” said Vania Febriyantie.

Socialisation at Car Free Day Jakarta
The last part of the event was dedicated to giving an appreciation plaque to the speakers from the GFSF.
The Soul Project LSPR Band closed the event.
article by : Cik Ratu & Namira