Name: Kamal, S.Sos., M.M.


Expert in: Public Relations , Strategic Branding



  • Master in Management Atmajaya Catholic University Indonesia , 2004
  • Bachelor in Social Science Prof Dr. Moestopo University Indonesia , 2011


Professional Experience :  

2019 – Now    Chief Operation Officer LSPR Institute of Communication & Business

2014 –  2019    Director of General Affairs LSPR

1999 – 2014    General Manager of LSPR

2000 – 2020    Marketing Director LSPR Institute of Communication & Business

2012 – 2020    Director of London School Academy

1993 – 1999    Academic Manager LSPR

1992 – 1993     Admission Officer LSPR


Publication / Research : Kamal1, Afdaliza2 Communicate: Journal of Communication Studies Volume 10 No. 1, June 2023, p 42 – 55 P-ISSN: 2089-5739, E-ISSN: 2502-2091 DOI : The Influence of Prevention Message Form on Post Covid-19 Self-Protection Motivation