Is an umbrella for LSPR Alumni from all batches. This association is a group of academic persons who has been equipped with education and science and have a responsibility to play an active, critical and polite role in the spirit and determination to realize national and the nations development so that a just and prosperous society is created and established.
LSPR has more than 30,000 Alumni and continues to grow bigger and stronger. The goal of KAMI LSPR is to support LSPR’s mission to prepare world citizens through global education. KAMI LSPR serves LSPR through the support and engagement of our fellow alumni, seeking to enhance the value of LSPR degrees by being positive role models. The association strives to project and promote a positive image about LSPR Institute of Communication & Business to its stakeholders, nation and the world.
With a large number of alumni both in terms of quantity and quality, certainly, a range of positive potential can be developed through a strong link between alumni, including the contribution of ideas for natural progress. In addition to contributing to the alma mater, of course through active communication between alumni, this will create a mutually beneficial networking potential for the alumni themselves.
Press Release LSPR ALUMNI AWARDS 2024
Alumni LSPR: Teladan Sukses dan Kontribusi untuk Masyarakat Jakarta, 5 Juli 2024 – Keluarga Besar Alumni LSPR (KAMI LSPR) bekerjasama dengan Alumni Relations Department (ARD) kembali menyelenggarakan malam penghargaan ke-empat kalinya yang diberikan kepada Alumni [...]
Press Release LSPR ALUMNI AWARDS 2023
Jakarta, 11 Agustus 2023 – Keluarga Besar Alumni LSPR (KAMI LSPR) bekerja sama dengan Alumni Relations Departemen (ARD) menyelenggarakan malam penghargaan kepada alumni LSPR yang telah mencapai prestasi luar biasa dalam bidang komunikasi selama lebih [...]
Press Release LSPR ALUMNI AWARDS 2022
Jakarta, 29 Juni 2022 – Departemen Alumni Relations bekerjasama dengan Keluarga Alumni LSPR (KAMI LSPR) mengadakan LSPR Alumni Awards dalam rangka memperingati LSPR 30th Anniversary. Acara ini akan diselenggarakan di Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & [...]