Kartini Dwi Sartika, S.Ip., M.I.Kom.

Expert in:
Public Relations & Digital Communication

LSPR Communication and Business Institute
Master’s degree, Business/Corporate Communications
2017 – 2018

Universitas Pasundan Bandung
Bachelor of Arts – BA, International Relations and Affairs
2012 – 2016


Professional Experience

LSPR Communication and Business Institute
Mar 2022 to Present · 2 yrs 5 mos

LSPR Communication and Business Institute
Coordinator for Academic Managers
Sep 2021 – Present · 2 yrs 11 mos

LSPR Communication and Business Institute
Deputy Head of Internal Relations
Jan 2020 to Aug 2021 · 1 yr 8 mos

Publication / Research:
“Pendampingan Digital Marketing Untuk Pemberdayaan UMKM”
Journal of Servite 4 (2), 104-111 (2022)

“Implementasi Model Dragonfly Effect Pada Kampanye@ ODHABerhakSehat Melalui Twitter”
Journal of Servite 4 (1), 14-28 (2022)

“Pelatihan Culinary Entrepreneur Dalam Mengembangkan Kinerja UMKM di Masa Pandemi”
Journal Of Servite 3 (1), 31-43 (2021)

“Analisa Upaya Counter-Radicalism di Kalangan Kampus Menggunakan Pendekatan CMM (Coordinated Management of Meaning)”
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 3 (2), 31-38 (2019)