Opening ceremony in Presidential Palace
On 10-11 December 2018, the ASEAN Public Relations Network, one of the PR organizations in Indonesia, together with Perhumas Indonesia and nine other organizations held the Konvensi National Humas event (KNH) at the Presidential Palace. The event was opened directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo.

Minister of Communication as one of the speakers
KNH which continued at the Djakarta Theater also held seminars on “Transforming Government Public Relations”, “Personal Branding”, and “Reputation in the Era 4.0”, “Media Landscape in the Digital Age”, and the “Role of Public Relations 4.0 Attracting Millennial Segments” by expert speakers.

Lifetime achievement for PR Practitioners
KNH intends to produce a variety of innovative ideas and formulate appropriate strategies to deal with the era of disruption. Furthermore, importantly, it is aimed to improve self-competence to prepare Indonesia towards global economic strength by 2030.

one of the KNH topics is Role of Public Relations 4.0