Friday, February 13th, 2015 KPID (Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah) of Central Java visited STIKOM LSPR in order to establish a cooperation, especially in the field of radio broadcasting. The meeting, was held at the Penthouse, Campus C and was attended by Mr. Andre Ikhsano, Mr.Rino F. Boer, Mr. Deddy Irwandy, Ms. Renata Tirta, Ms. Rani Chandra, and Mr. Dana Sumirat as Station Manager LSPR Radio.

Mr. Rino. Boer has given Plague of appreciation  to KPID Central Java

Mr. Rino. Boer has given Plague of appreciation to KPID Central Java

KPID Central Java, represented by Mr. Mulyadi as Chairman of the Commission and the Broadcasting Content Mr. Junaidi as Chairman of the Institutional Committee revealed that they are planning to open a training institution oriented competency certification in radio broadcasting.

LSPR and KPID were discuss about establish a cooperation, especially in the field of radio broadcasting

LSPR and KPID were discuss about establish a cooperation, especially in the field of radio broadcasting

In addition to the discussion about this partnership, Mr. Mulyadi and Mr. Junaidi also had the opportunity to do a campus tour to see the facilities in Campus B and C LSPR, especially in the field of radio. Through this cooperation, LSPR is expected to assist in the preparation & formation training institutions and certification. KPID Central Java also asked LSPR to be the drafting team training and resource materials in future training events.(Uzlifat)