The LSPR Institute of Communication and Business is part of the National Education improvement program, has the obligation to contribute to community development through various competencies possessed in the form of knowledge which knowledge can be implemented to the community. In addition, Article 1 Paragraph 11 of Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education explains that community service is an academic community program that utilizes science and technology to advance community welfare and educate the nation’s life. efforts to contribute to the progress of society. The definition of Community Service as mentioned above, in its implementation, must be supported by all citizens of Higher Education so that Higher Education can be a pioneer of change in society in a positive direction.
This course is an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research and community service. Community Development is part of education which in its implementation is synergized with community service and research. Students will implement the knowledge and skills that have been obtained from the Faculty of Business to the community and provide solutions to problems faced by the community. The community development carried out is a synergy between the LSPR Business Faculty and the Tourism Village that is being fostered so that it can run well, be
sustainable and meet the target of community empowerment.
This course is also an implementation and in line with the target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).