For their first ever production, Performing Arts Communication Batch 18 performed Le Musee Des Poupees, a musical concert that tells a story about a museum that exhibits puppets. The production was held at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall of Campus B LSPR Jakarta, on the 1st February 2016.

Ken & Barbie sang a song

Ken & Barbie sang a song

Each puppet told a story of their own. Wayang Bagong (Marlo Ernesto), tells a story about his culture, Okiku (Gracia Khanti) tells about how she became the haunted doll, Pinnochio (Edbert Giovan) gave valuable life lessons, and there was Barbie (Alessandra) and Ken (Bukie Mansyur) that gave all the answers’ to problems of love.

all the cast and crew of Le Musee Des Poupees

all the cast and crew of Le Musee Des Poupees

It was such a refreshing concert even though its the class first ever performance together, the combination of pop culture and Indonesian culture, combined as a musical puppet show, truly resonates with what LSPR’s Performing Arts major is all about. Kudos to PAC Batch 18! (Nabila / Tomy)