Dear LSPR Exchange Students,

We welcome you to Indonesia and LSPR. We hope that you have a great journey and your day filled with learning new things, working together, and having a lot of fun. Thank you for trusting LSPR Communication & Business Institute as your study destination and we look forward to making sure you have an enjoyable and successful semester.

As we know, The World Health Organization on 11th March 2020 has declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. In response to this, based on the academic senate decision, we have decided that all academic and non-academic activities will be replaced with a temporary transition to online learning.

However, as promised beforehand regarding the programs and activities that have been determined for all exchange student participants, we will make a special session called a special class for all student exchange participants. Where in this session students will study directly with LSPR permanent lecturers for 2 weeks (Wednesday-Friday) starting at 18th March-20th March & 25th March-27th March, while still prioritizing your safety. The detailed about schedule will be delivered soon.

Please keep yourself updated by always keep in contact with the IRPO team. This is not an alarmist response but a prudent move that is implement as soon as possible before we have any cases of Covid-19. We hereby request your cooperation to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce outdoor activities for the time being. We hope that we are all protected, always remain in a health condition, and the Covid-19 virus outbreak can be resolved soon.

If you have any questions or concern you could contact Head of IRPO/Ms. Candy Tolosa: [email protected] with hotline number +62 8513051344

Yours Faithfully,

Dr. Janette M Pinariya

Vice-Rector I


cc :

  1. Ibu Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, Founder & CEO LSPR
  2. Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si, Rector
  3. IRPO Department