On 15 May 2018, London School of Public Relations – Jakarta (LSPR) in collaboration with GO-JEK signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall, campus B, LSPR Jakarta-related on research collaborations. The MoU signed by Rino F. Boer as Director of Postgraduate Program LSPR-Jakarta and Ramda Yanurzha as Head of Research GO-JEK. Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani as the Founder Director of the LSPR – Jakarta and Nadiem Makarim as the CEO and Co Founder GO-JEK atteneded in this event to provide a welcome speech and witnessed the signing in.

Dr. Rino F. Boer gave opening speech

This cooperation is a form of implementation of Tri Dharma Universities, namely education and teaching, research and development, as well as devotion to the community. As educational institutions especially in the field of communication, LSPR viewed the development of information and communication technology is one of the important studies in the digital age. Through this collaboration, the LSPR and GO-JEK opens up opportunities for students to continue to develop their knowledge LSPR, and teachers can apply for LSPR Tri Dharma Universities.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR said thank you to committe who held this event

“The dynamic development of GO-JEK business makes us optimistic that GO-JEK will continue to innovate for the betterment of the company. Therefore, the collaboration of LSPR – Jakarta and GO-JEK will be a lucrative opportunity for both parties.” said Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as Co-founder and Director of The LSPR & Jakarta.

MOU signing between LSPR & GO-JEK

“We are delighted to collaborate with the LSPR Jakarta where it is one of the GO-JEK commitment to contribute to the world of education,” said Nadiem Makarim, CEO & Co-founder GO-JEK. “We hope that this cooperation can train critical thinking students and improve the quality of human resources existing in Indonesia, ” continued Nadiem.

Talkshow about entrepreneur with Nadiem Makarim


In the cooperation agreement contains some points, generally mentioned that the students and professors are able to perform research at the LSPR GO-JEK. Later research results will be distributed to parties GO-JEK for later use as appropriate for the purposes of the company. (Citra/Fakhira)