Bekasi – Counting down the days until their departure for the 3rd Dumai National Choir Competition 2019, LSPR Choir presented a Pre-Competition Concert entitled “Dancin’ Rhapsody”. The concert was held in The Amani Palladium Theatre, LSPR Transpark Bekasi on Sunday, 10 November 2019.

Opening with Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D

Bohemian Rapshody Performance
The concert was held in order to showcase their competition numbers to the respective audiences namely parents, family, friends, and LSPR staffs.
The 3rd Dumai National Choir Competition 2019 would mark the debut of LSPR Choir in national league. LSPR Choir will compete in two categories: Mixed Youth Choir and Folklore. The competition will be held on Friday, 15 November 2019 in Dumai, Pekanbaru, Riau.

Don’t Stop Me Now Performance

Lancang Kuning Performance
LSPR Choir has been trained for months by their new coach and conductor, Ms Sonia Nadya Simanjuntak, a renowned choral consultant. All 35 members were active students of LSPR Jakarta and have been trained from March 2019 in order to prepare themselves in facing 20 other participants in the competition.