Bogor – LSPR Communication & Business Institute will collaborate with RSUD Ciawi in the field of community service and education. The MoU Signing between RSUD Ciawi and LSPR was held on Thursday, February 13, 2020, at Bumi Sampireun, Ciawi, Bogor.

The MoU Signing between RSUD Ciawi and LSPR
Deputy Rector I, Dr. Janette M. Pinariya MM the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Dr. J.A. Wempi the Chairperson of the Management Study Program, Ms. Yuliana R.Prasetyawati MM the Chairperson of Community Service Institution, Ms. Rani Chandra Oktaviani M.Si the Chairperson of IKB LSPR Public Relations and Ms. Emylia Setyaningtyas M.Sc. were present at the event. Dr. M. Tsani Musyara, Sp. OT, M. Kes, as Director of the RSUD Ciawi and Mrs. Dr. Janette M. Pinariya as the Deputy Rector I of LSPR signed the MoU.

Dr. M. Tsani Musyara, Sp. OT, M. Kes, as Director of the RSUD Ciawi and Mrs. Dr. Janette M. Pinariya as the Deputy Rector I of LSPR signed the MoU.
This collaboration focuses on community service and education. LSPR supports teaching staff/lecturers by conducting workshops and training for RSUD Ciawi staff. Communication training provided includes customer service, service excellence, personal grooming, crisis management, leadership programs, public speaking, personal branding, PR Programs, and Media & Digital Marketing. RSUD Ciawi will facilitate an internship program for LSPR students and speakers in the health sector.

Dr. M. Tsani Musyara, Sp. OT, M. Kes and Mrs. Dr. Janette M. Pinariya interviewed by the media
“We felt this is something that we need to do, both from community service and learning development for the curriculum at LSPR,” Dr. Janette explained. “We also want to encourage each other to synergize and collaborate because this is the momentum for us to build superior, quality, and energized human resources.”
Article by Dianka
Photo by Putri Syifa