An annual show “Dance On” was held on 10-11 November 2018 at the auditorium of Campus B, LSPR-Jakarta. The aim is to share about struggles of the dancers.
The story has three main characters namely Elsha Ayuni as Tiffany, Olav Kaurow as Zach and Bukie Basuweda as James. Zach’s role tells that he must dance to earn money, and Tiffany becomes a doctor due to her parents insisting. The introduction of this character is displayed at the beginning of the story with the background of the train that immediately shows Tifanny and Zach.
In their world, they met at a bar which was also the place where they fell in love at first sight. From this place it continued to their meeting with a group of people from Indonesia who had similar interests in dancing and who were invited to join a selection to join the Dynsty group.
Conflict arose when James passed Tiffanny because he had feelings, even though Zach was jealous. Furthermore, Zach formed his own dancer team called Hiphype to compete with dynsty in the battle ground competition.
In the end, Hiphype joined Boogie Freaks and Marmaladez who managed to defeat Megacrew from Beat D Cream (Beat Breakers, Dynsty & Cooikes N Cream).