In order to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan, LSPR FOMS (Federation of Muslin Students) held the 4th Assalamualaikum Ramadan activity with the theme “If This is My Last Ramadan”. This activity was carried out at Al Falah Mosque in Bendungan Hilir – Jakarta, taking place from 8 am until just before midnight. Ramadan is a holy month that is celebrated by Muslims throughout the world with fasting and it was this month that the first revelation came down to the Prophet Muhammad.
This activity was guided by moderator Agung Juna, an influencer and attended by Ustadz Buya Nurman as tausiyah’s filler in this activity. The activity began with the Dhuha prayer in the morning followed by remarks from the Chair of the DKM Al Falah Mosque, remarks from the LSPR Student League representatives, and remarks from the chairman of LSPR FOMS.
It then continued with reading the holy verses of Al-Quran surah Al-Baqarah verses 185-186 which contains Ramadan and a lecture from Ustadz Buya Nurman interspersed with questions and answers from participants.
The activity ended with Muhasabah to reflect on sin before the month of Ramadan arrived and closed with a joint prayer followed by prayer Zuhur together.(Cik)