Rino F. Boer and Lestari Nurhajati, lecturers of The London School of Public Relations (LSPR), won the 1st place of PR Indonesia Research Summit and Awards (PRISA) 2016. They won over other participants on their paper titled “Memenangkan Hati Khalayak Eksternal Melalui Media Online”.
The PRISA Awards 2016 was given by the judges consisting of Silih Agung Wasesa (APPRI), Irwa Zarkasi, Nurlaela Arief, and Kris Hartadi, during the highlight of the first anniversary of PR Indonesia magazine in Swissbell-Rainforrest Hotel, Bali, on Thursday (24/3 / 2016).
“I’m so surprised and happy at the same time. I hope the research model that we’ve done and tried is beneficial for the PR industry and can be a trigger for the academicians to raise their researches on PR that can be beneficial for practitioners on the PR field.” Said Lestari to PR Indonesia through his short message, Sunday (27/3/2016).
Besides Rino and Lestari, other achievers of PRISA 2016 are Suraya and Wanda Oktavia from Faculty of Communications, Paramadina University. Their paper titled “Press Site Visit Humas PT. ANTAM (Persero) Tbk,” according to reporters, both of them achieved the second place.
On the third place is the lecturers from the Public Relations faculty of FIKOM Universitas Islam Bandung, Tresna Wiwitan and Neni Yulianita. They wrote a paper titled “Marketing Public Relations Perguruan Tinggi Islam Swasta: Studi Kasus di Humas Universitas Islam Bandung dan Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang”.
There were also favorite winners such as Past Novel Larasaty and Nurdin Gustaf from LSPR Jakarta whom presented a paper titled “Pemanfaatan Advergame Sebagai Strategi Marketing Public Relations Politik: Studi Kasus Game Jokowi GO!”. There were also second favorite winner who is Heni Indrayani, Magister student from Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, whom presented a paper titled “Djarum Foundation Ciptakan Fandom Badminton Indonesia”.
While the third favorite winner went to lecturers from communications faculty of FIKOM Universitas Sahid Jakarta, Manik Sunuantari and Sumiyati through their paper titled “Revolusi Mental Government PR Dalam Mewujudkan Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Humas Pemkot Pekalongan dalam Mendorong Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat (KIM) menuju Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat”.
PRISA is a full paper competition about public relations for communication lecturers that is held alongside with the anniversary of PR Indonesia magazine. PRISA this year was followed by 22 full papers from 37 research lecturers from 19 universities.