Friday, 23rd of October 2015 LSPR CARES went to the PMI office located in South Jakarta with the purpose of providing the results of fundraising that has been held for two days, for the citizens of the unfortunate forest fires in Riau.
Rio Yudhoyono and Vega Bellatrix, President and Vice President Student League as representative of LSPR-Jakarta.
The event was organized by batch 19 student, was welcomed warmly by the PMI and attended by the Vice Chairman of PMI, Mr. Ginandjar Kartasasmita.
A very good enthusiasm by students LSPR, seen by accumulation of cash amounting to Rp 30.376.600. Results of the donation is given in the form of N95 masks, eye drops, sterile milk and the rest of the money will be donated directly to the Indonesian Red Cross Society in Riau province.
“May they be given fortitude in facing this disaster”. Said Tiffany Susviandita as President of LSPR CARES when asked hopes for the citizens of Riau. “and the government must act decisively in taking a decision with the applicable law, that it will not happen again in the future. (Aldo Giovani)