Persistent or in other words Tenacious is also in tuned with ten pillars of LSPR which is Perseverance. It was the background to the theme for LSPG (LSPR Prayer Group) this time. Reinforced with the theme from the verse being drawn from Scripture Ephesians 4: 12-16 Faith unites the participants in their lives.
The retreat was held last 20-22 March 2015 at Camp David Resort Mount Hermon, Ciloto, Puncak, West Java with the number of participants 74 people who came from LSPR students batch 18, 17, 16, and 15, all of which are members of the Christian group LSPG. Club coordinator of LSPG, Ms. Jannette Pinariya and Advisor LSPG Pdt. Daniel Zacharias participated as a speaker in an existing session.
The event begins with the opening worship and began the first session with the theme “Knowledge of God” The senior once performed by a batch of alumni LSPG 14, Lenny Theresia Turangan. At night, Ms. Jannette Pinariya being a speaker of second session with the theme “Spiritual Maturity”. Various games and talent show was held with the aim of progressively increased familiarity and brotherhood among fellow participants. sharing sessions are also held to improve the spiritual closeness of participants with prayer and encouragement with one another . (Denny Steven Yohanes)