LSPR Radio held the inauguration of the new cabinet for the management of the year 2015/2016. Cabinet which replaced “Kertas Putih cabinet,” named “Cabinet Melody.” In her speech, President LSPR Radio elected, Putri Aulia said, the name chosen for the purpose melody interpret it as the music element which if incorporated into a beautiful tone. The tone is expected to represent each officer which is expected to be the tone for LSPR Radio to be more harmonious in carrying out their duties.
The event was held at Prof.Dr. Djajusman Auditorium Campus B, Tuesday, February 10, 2014 LSPR Radio also invited Media Centre, LSPR TV, LSPR News and representatives from Student League. After going through several stages of selection, elected officers who will serve for the next year were: Putri Aulia as President, Gabriela Nareswari as Vice President 1, Azka Viraya as Vice President 2, Sara Dee as a secretary, and Belinda as treasurer. The officers and other divisions signed a contract for their duties and responsibilities for the the work ahead.
All officers read out the pledge of the Executive Committee. They are will take the big responsibility in LSPR Radio.
Dana Sumirat or familiarly called Babe Dana as Station Manager LSPR Radio revealed that things that make LSPR Radio solid until now is the commitment of each officer itself, so he wished there will be more commitment from the new officers same or even better from the old officers and cabinets who will serve for 2015-2016. Congratulations on your duty “Cabinet Melody!” (Uzlifat)