Jakarta – On Friday, 15 May 2020, LSPR Research Centre held a Webinar Book Discussion about Shopping Addiction: Consumerism Culture in Text (Kecanduan Belanja: Budaya Konsumerisme Dalam Teks) by Dr. Yolanda Stellarosa, M.Si (Vice Rector II and LSPR Lecturer) with discussants Mrs. Elke Alexandrina, M.Sc (Programme Director of London School Academy & LSPR Lecturer) and Mrs. Yunita Permatasari BA, M.Si (PR Practitioner & LSPR Lecturer).
This book talked about the phenomenon of the society who consumes a product not based on the use value and exchange rate but more to sign value and symbol which is attached to its product and it’s not happened by itself. The mass media also has a role in forming this consumptive culture through show, text, and advertisement. Mass media delivered a gentle persuasion so the society will get hypnotized by what has been delivered by the media.
Through the theory of consumption society, and Jean Baudrillard’s simulacra and simulation, we are invited to re-open our consciousness so that we consume any products, sometimes only focusing on the prestige’s sign and symbol of its product. Therefore, we are invited to be wiser with the consumption that we are all doing where we focus on our needs and priorities. So that it takes consumer literacy and media literacy so as not to get caught up in the circle of consumerism.