A worker is burdened to have one complete skill set based on whatever field they chose to take when entering university. This demand has caused universities to offer more than one field of focus for their students to choose from. But if they have achieved other award or accomplishment that is outside from their focus field, their value as a worker increases. That is why, if a student managed to achieve accomplishment in form of awards by winning competitions outside of their focus field, it is only normal to appreciate their effort.


Opening speech by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR (UK).

London School of Public Relations held these talented students in high regard due to how active they are in and outside of the campus, and also more importantly, due to the accomplishments these students managed to achieve. In order to appreciate them, Friday, 17 March 2017, LSPR Student Appreciation Night was held. The event took place at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall. The event was kicked off by an opening speech by Deputy Director of Puket III, Mr, Imanuel Hutagalung. Founder and Director of LSPR, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, also gave opening speech, and her heartfelt congratulations to the students.

Not only the students, a few lecturers also got the appreciation such as: Mrs. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, Mr. Josef Radel Lopez, Mr. Giovanni Tomasowa, Ms. Monica Saraswati and Ms. Karina Indah Septiani.

Not only the students, a few lecturers also got the appreciation from LSPR, left to the right: Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, Mr. Josef Radel Lopez, Mr. Giovanni Tomasowa, Ms. Monica Saraswati and Ms. Karina Indah Septiani.

Main session of the event started right after the opening speech was concluded. Roughly 200 students of LSPR receives a medal of honor and certificate due to the accomplishments and achievements they manage to get outside of campus. All the students who were called on to the stage beamed a very bright expression from each of their faces.

The Appreciation Night is closed with dinner with the whole participants

Appreciation Night closed with dinner with the whole participants


The event was continued with gathering for all participants and receivers of the award, while the performance of LSPR Teatro “Hamilton – An America Musical” was being played. The event was closed by dining together. (Citra/Tarrasch).