The throne will soon be passed!

On 3-5 October 2017, ‘LSPR Student League President & Vice President period 2017-2018 Election Day’ was held at both campus A, B and C from noon until 5pm. The election was addressed for all students and staff of LSPR and it went orderly.

One of LSPR’s staff gave her vote

Every participant was given a piece of paper with the candidates’ pictures and names on it, then they were directed to go behind a selection booth to do the vote. After they are finished, they should put their paper vote into the ballot box then dip the tip of their little finger to an ink; it’s a sign that they have voted.

The students put in his ballot paper

The election consisted of 2 pairs of candidates; Lindyana Kartika Soraya & Michelle Theodora are the candidates from number 1 with their slogan “Satukan hati, satukan pikiran, satukan suara, pilih nomor 1. Salam ONENITY!” while the candidates from number 2, Gerardo Christopher Tanor & Krissella, their slogan was “Because we are all in this together, Vote for number 2. Salam TWOGETHER!”.

blue ink as a sign has given the duels in the student league presidential election

After the election took place, LSPR Student League informed the real count of the voting through their Instagram account @LSPR_SL. On the first day of the election, 718 people participated on the vote and candidate number 2 was leading with 57,38%. On second day, there were 667 participants and candidate number 2 was leading again with 51%.

However, that’s still not the final result yet as the total votes of the last day of the election have yet been published and even the Student League new officers have not given their votes yet. They will do the election separately on their Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) event that will be held on 6-8 October 2017 in Cibodas. (Lisa/Fadia)