LSPR Youth Diplomacy Community (YDC) merupakan sebuah Komunitas di Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR yang fokus pada isu nasional dan internasional. LSPR YDC pertama kali terbentuk pada tanggal 12 Juni 2014. Setiap tahunnya, LSPR YDC menyelenggarakan beberapa kegiatan yang sesuai dengan blue print yang telah dibuat yaitu kunjungan ke instansi pemerintah dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat atau kedutaan besar negara asing di Jakarta, kelas reguler, sharing session, dan diskusi. Selama lima tahun terakhir, delegasi YDC juga mencetak beberapa prestasi, seperti Jessica Silana Wongsodiharjo yang menjadi Best Delegate pada PNMHII XXVIII, Nadya Priscilla yang mendapatkan gelar Best Position Paper in ECOSOC pada Jogja International Model United Nations serta menjadi Best Delegate pada Brawijaya MUN, Dzakiyyah Hannisya R. P. Mahaputri yang menjadi perwakilan Indonesia pada 14th Annual International Human Rights Summit, Gaby Yoselia dan Hendika Dikki yang masuk kedalam Top 10 on Paper Competition pada PSNMHII XXIX, Zebi Magnolia Fawwaz yang mendapatkan Honorable Mention pada Moestopo MUN, dan Hitomi Alexandra & Zebi Magnolia yang memenangkan Juara 1 Diskusi Ilmiah pada FKMHII KORWIL 2.


LSPR Youth Diplomacy Community (YDC) is a community at the LSPR Communication and Business Institute that focuses on national and international issues. LSPR YDC was first formed on June 12, 2014. Every year, LSPR YDC organizes several activities in accordance with the blueprint that has been made, namely visits to government agencies and non-governmental organizations or embassies of foreign countries in Jakarta, regular classes, sharing sessions, and discussion. During the last five years, delegates from YDC has also made several achievements, such as Jessica Silana Wongsodiharjo who got the Best Delegate title at PNMHII XXVIII, Nadya Priscilla who got the Best Position Paper title in ECOSOC at the Jogja International Model United Nations and got the Best Delegate title for Brawijaya MUN, Dzakiyyah Hannisya R.P. Mahaputri who became Indonesia’s representative at the 14th Annual International Human Rights Summit, Gaby Yoselia and Hendika Dikki who entered the Top 10 on Paper Competition at PSNMHII XXIX, Zebi Magnolia Fawwaz who received Honorable Mention at Moestopo MUN, and Hitomi Alexandra & Zebi Magnolia who won 1st Place in Scientific Discussion at FKMHII KORWIL 2.