On Friday, January 15, 2018, LSPR YDC held its first e-plomacy cup through FIFA 19 Competition at Rafael Jolongbayan Drama Room LSPR-Jakarta.

The Winners from e-plomacy cup
All students of LSPR-Jakarta were invited to compete and do diplomacy in a fun way. The event was led by Darren Al Fath as a master of ceremony. Fio Okta, Executive Committee of LSPR YDC, has explained that they used FIFA 19 Competition to tell everyone that diplomacy could be fun. “The world of football has many interests and both sides need diplomacy,” added Fio Okta.

FIFA game was used for this competition
The winner has got a prize of Rp. 1.500.000. The first place was taken by Tarasov and the second place was taken by Big Rezt respectively.
Congratulations to all winners and participants!