Seminar Day for Students Majoring LSPR Batch 21 was held from 10-11 January 2018 in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall, Campus B The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta . The seminar was divided into two sessions namely morning session which started at 09.00 and during the day at 12.30. Seminar Day Majoring is a seminar that aims to help students to be more convinced by the concentration that they would choose to study at the LSPR will begin in semester 3 later.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR gave explainations about the new campus : The LSPR TransPark Juanda Jakarta
The seminar opened with a greeting from the Dean of Campus LSPR which started from Campus A by Mr. Alexander Mamby Aruan, M.Si, Campus B by Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, and Campus C by Dr. Janette Mary Pinariya MM, where they introduced and briefly explain all the concentration that owned each campus.The seminar was followed by the Founder and Director of the LSPR Jakarta, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR. In her presentation she explains about the new campus The LSPR TransPark Juanda Jakarta and also gave further explanation about all of the facilities that will be obtained by the student in the new building.

Opening greetings from Dean of Campus A by Mr. Alexander Mamby Aruan, M.Si, Dean of Campus B by Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, and Dean of Campus C by Dr. Janette Mary Pinariya MM
In the year 2018, LSPR Jakarta has had the addition of a new concentration such as, Business Studies, Hospitality Management Communication & Mice, Entrepreneurship and Business Communication, and Mass Communication which turned into a Mass and Social Media Communication with two concentrations, namely Digital Film Making and Photography and Broadcast Journalism.

Alumni gave experiences about their job at 11 January 2018
Where, the campus will be a campus for the concentration of Mass Media and Social Communication, Performing Arts Communication, Digital Media and Advertising, Business Studies, Hospitality Management Communication & Mice, Entrepreneurship and Business Communication. In addition, for students who take the Post Graduates of the Program can choose a campus to be in Sudirman Park or in Transpark Juanda

Gave a plaque of appreciation to the alumni at 11 January 2018
In addition, the majoring day notice regarding how to do majoring online, simulated majoring online and explanation about the schedule and procedure of payment by the IT Manager and Accounting and Finance staff. Not only that, also held a session with Role Models who performed by the successful alumni of the respective concentration.

Alumni gave experiences about their job at 10 January 2018
Alumni in attendance at the Majoring Day is Angeline Vandani and Karina Eva Poetri (Public Relations), Rainne Widjaja, Aruna,and Ivana Tanujaya (Marketing Communications), Alana Cicilia Warandy, M. Ryan Fathoni (International Relations), Emri Akbaril Syah, Nessia Megawati and Tasya Syarief (Mass Communication), Rezaldi Wibipradika, Samuel Richardo, Agustinus Lee Martin (Communication Visual and Advertising), Roland Akihilto, and Evellyn Kurnedi (Performing Arts Communication), Kesuma Kurniadi, Julia Putri, and Stevi Sierra (Entrepreneur Business Communication).

Presentations about international programme
Each of the alumni share their experiences while serving as a communications practitioners since they pass LSPR from Jakarta. In addition, they also share the experience when a student LSPR as well as answer a few questions from the students about the job of communication from individual alumni. (Anita/Fina/Elizabeth/Vinnie/Natashya)