Jakarta – On 9 April 2020, LSPR Jakarta Youtube account uploaded a video entitled “Menjadi Relawan Kemanusian with Muhamad Hidayat”, a lecturer in LSPR Jakarta and an active volunteer outside the campus. Mr. Hidayat, commonly called Bang Dayat, was the speaker for the topic: Become a Humanitarian Volunteer.

He explained about his experience when he became a volunteer when COVID-19 entered Indonesia. There was already some existing communities which do voluntary work, some of them are SWAT Penanggulangan Bencana and Jakarta Berkemanusiaan. One of the community activities is spraying disinfectant in public facilities, places of worship, schools, stations and terminals. They are currently still spraying in active terminals.

Besides that, the volunteer community also gather PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and distribute it to hospitals in Jakarta. This is also being done by LSPR Rescue, who represent LSPR by sending PPE to hospitals in need. Beside PPE, the volunteer community also donate rice boxes, jamu, and masks to street fighters. 

Why would a lecturer want to become a humanitarian volunteer? According to Bang Dayat, his passion to be a volunteer had been passed down from his parents. A lecturer must be able to provide real action in the field. Also, the spirit of being a volunteer must be cultivated in the Indonesian youth.

Why are people interested in volunteering? These include self-satisfaction (feeling satisfied helping others), a sense of wanting to help others, being able to meet new people, learning something new, and many others. A volunteer never feels forced and never expects payment. Being a volunteer is also an individual’s choice. There are no restrictions that can stop someone from becoming a volunteer. There is no age limit, gender, rich or poor.

Bang Dayat advised us to stay at home. If you need to leave the house, be sure to wear a mask. Also, follow the government’s regulations for social distancing and stay away from crowds. Everyone has a role in fighting COVID-19. Hopefully, we can resume normal activities soon.

Article by Dianka

Photo source by YouTube channel – LSPR Jakarta

YouTube – LSPR Jakarta