Jakarta – Mr. Sri Tunggul Panindriya, MA, a lecturer from LSPR Communication and Business Institute, shared the experience he felt during WFH (Work From Home) in a short duration video published on LSPR Jakarta YouTube channel. He said that WFH has made him more familiar with his house, as usually he often works outside of his home.
Interesting things have happened because of WFH, and it has brought about big improvements in the communication that occurs in his family. Het often does not have the opportunity to meet them so communication that should occur does not work and makes our attitude in communicating with family become stilted. Interpersonal communication that occurs between family members becomes minimal so that it feels like talking people we don’t know very well or outsiders.
Through WFH, communication that occurs becomes more intensive, such as discussions about families that it is well communicated. Due to the more frequent interactions we have outside the home, this makes the interactions carried on with family members more affected by the daily communication styles that we use outside.
“WFH is not a matter of work, but how we communicate. With our usual activities, we bring them to our home and share them with those closest to us, because with WFH we are dealing with nuclear families,” said Mr. Tunggul.
Communication during WFH is a very good influence for our family to make families more familiar with each other. Communication brings each perspective to the communicating party, both to the sender and receiver. Through WFH, we have plenty of time to get to know families, such as wives and children.
“WFH is not working but taking advantage of this opportunity of being at home, to be able to communicate with the people around us”, said Mr. Tunggul. WFH makes things simple simple, but really makes communication work better or become easier. The communication can be both verbal and non-verbal. When WFH is not the same amount of work we normally do, we need to reduce its intensity, so that communication becomes smoother.
WFH also allows us to do things that have not been thought of before, or ever done before WFH. For example, the opportunity to take children to work or school. Improved communication can be built while we are on the journey because interpersonal communication only occurs when both parties are interactive, and through WFH this can happen.
“I think that WFH is a phenomenon that should make us feel grateful,” said Mr. Tunggul. “WFH is an opportunity given to us in order to improve our family relations or communication between family members”, he continued.
Article by Putri Syifa
Photo source by YouTube channel LSPR Jakarta
YouTube – LSPR Jakarta