Coinciding with the month of Ramadan, LSPR with CIMB Niaga had MOU signing and “Break-fast” together on Tuesday 31st May 2017, at Prof. Dr. Djayusman Performance & Auditorium Hall. This event held to enhance cooperation between the LSPR with one of bank in Indonesia, CIMB Niaga.
The event started at 16:30, and was hosted by Dionisius Lesmana and Kartika as the MC. Then continued with opening speech from Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR. “LSPR has been doing collaboration with CIMB Niaga since LSPR has started, and I hope with this event the relationship between LSPR and CIMB Niaga can grow stronger” said Mrs. Prita. And then, Mrs. Yunita Chandrawati representative from CIMB Niaga also gave her speech.
After the speech from both parties, the event continued with the actual MOU Signing between LSPR represented by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani with Mrs. Ririn, and CIMB Niaga represented by Mrs. Yunita Chandrawati with Mrs. Yuliani. Afterwards, the event closed with Break-fast together at Trocadero Lounge. (Nurul)