In order to celebrate Kartini Day and Anniversary of, an online media who developed the spirit of positive journalism, gives awards to 13 great women in their fields, and from various professions was awarded the “Kartini Masa Kini 2017”. This award event held on Wednesday, April 26, 2017, in Kemang, South Jakarta, at 18:30.

The award was presented by the Director of planning and business development PNM, Arief Mulyadi, Dean Of The Faculty Of Cultural Sciences UI, Adrianus Waworuntu, The Secretary Of The Committee On National Economy (KEIN), Putri K Wardani, and General DirectorINDONEWS.ID, Rio Sarwono.

Thirteen women received “Kartini Masa Kini” Award from

Dean Of The Faculty Of Cultural Sciences UI, Adrianus Waworuntu, said he support this event and hope that the women who got the award inspires other women to make changes in a society, nation, and country. “We hope that woman that got the award become a role model for the other women” he said.

General Director INDONEWS.ID, Rio Sarwono, said this award held in the framework of the one-year anniversary of online media INDONEWS.ID. Rio says, INDONEWS.ID has mission of disseminating the achievement of the Government, especially under the reign of Joko Widodo.The winner of this award is a woman who work smart, maintain integrity and always do good to others like Kartini. Here, the 13th recipient of the “Kartini Masa Kini Award 2017” from INDONEWS.ID:

  1. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, Founder & Director London School of Public Relations (LSPR), Jakarta.
  2. Carmelita Hartoto, President Director of Andhika Lines, a company engaged in the shipping and shipping industry.
  3. Baiq Rohk Hilmi, Customer UlaMM Narmada Mataram (built by PT Permodalan Nasional Madani or PNM Persero), tempe chips entrepreneur from Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara.
  4. Suratmi, Ketua Asosiasi dan pembina kelompok usaha kecil kripik tempe di Desa Tanjung Tanji, Kecamatan Ngronggot, Nganjuk, Jawa Timur, binaan PT PNM (Persero).
  5. Hj Iis Aisyah, Entrepreneurs tofu in Tipar Village, Citamiang Sub-district, Sukabumi City, West Java (built by PT PNM Persero).
  6. Dr. Karolin Margret Natasa, Regent Landak District, West Kalimantan Province.
  7. Christiany Eugenia Paruntu, SE, Regent of South Minahasa.
  8. Dyah Anita Prihapsari MBA, Chairman of DPP Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia (IWAPI).
  9. Airin Rachmi Diany, SH., MH, Mayor of South Tangerang.
  10. Rita Widyasari, Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan.
  11. Hj. R. Kelly Rukmi Sismartianti Aswari. A. Md, realize the program “One Village One PAUD”, in Lahat regency, South Sumatra.
  12. Putri Kuswisnuwardhani, CEO PT Mustika Ratu, Who consistently conducts guidance to UKM, especially women, sellers of herbalist and empon-empon farmers to salons who become agents of Mustika Ratu products.
  13. Rosy and Ryan, Activists education of poor children and displaced.