The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management held its 16th Annual General Meeting hosted in Oslo, Norway on Saturday April 21 by The Norwegian Communication Association.

During the meeting, Global Alliance Chair José Manuel Velasco presented the 2017 Annual Report, providing an overview of the key activities and initiatives conducted by the Global Alliance in 2017.

A new board of directors was also elected at the AGM, taking office July 1 2018. The incoming board includes leading practitioners, academics and industry association leaders, with representation from every continent.

Mr. Jose Velasco during the Global Alliance AGM election

Position                          Name & Member Affiliation                                                         Term

Chair                                José Manuel Velasco, Dircom (Spain)

Chair-Elect                     Justin Green, PRII, Ireland

Immediate Past-Chair     Gregor Halff, IPRS (Singapore)

Treasurer                       Joe Truncale, PRSA (USA)

Secretary                         Therese Manus, NCA (Norway)

Chief Administrative        Mateus Furlanetto (Non-voting), GA                                Ex officio Officer

Delegate-at-Large         Fiona Cassidy, PRINZ (New Zealand)

Delegate-at-Large           Cecilia Schon-Jansson, SACP (Sweden)

Delegate-at-Large           Alastair McCapra, CIPR (UK)

Delegate-at-Large           Alex Malouf, MEPRA (UAE)

Delegate-at-Large         Paula Portugal Mendes, APCE (Portugal)

Delegate-at-Large           Tina McCorkindale, Institute for Public Relations (USA)

(Academic/ Research)

Regional Delegate-at    Hamilton dos Santos, ABERJE (Brazil)

-Large (Latin America)

Regional Delegate-at    Prita Kemal Gani, APRN (Indonesia)

-Large (Asia)

Regional Delegate-at    Jane Gitau, APRA (Africa)

-Large (Africa)

Casting of votes during Global Alliance AGM

Jose Manuel Velasco welcomed the new chair-elect, Justin Green (PRII, Ireland), the members that were re-elected Fiona Rose Cassidy (PRINZ), Joe Truncale (PRSA, USA) Prita Kemal Ghani (APRN, ASEAN), Paula Portugal Mendes (APCE, Portugal) and the new board members, Hamilton dos Santos (Aberje, Brazil) and Jane Gitau, (APRA, Africa). He also thanked the outgoing board member Tato Carbonaro (Aberje, Brazil).

The next Global Alliance Board Members Meeting will take place in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 2018 hosted by the ASEAN PR Network. Looking forward to welcome everyone in Jakarta.