


Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards Onboarding Awards Send Off Ceremony for IISMA 2023

May 10th, 2023|

  #LSPRKabarBaikHariIni Let's give a round of applause for our LSPR students, who have truly proven themselves as standouts among the crowd of 2000 applicants of IISMA scholarship program for Student Exchange, which [...]

Kembangkan Bakat Kreatif dan Inovatif dengan Kuliah Jurusan DKV

May 9th, 2023|

Kuliah jurusan DKV memiliki potensi besar untuk masa depan dengan mengikuti tren digital yang kreatif dan inovatif. Tren digital yang semakin berkembang telah menciptakan kebutuhan baru akan desain dan komunikasi visual yang inovatif dan menarik.  [...]

[HEADLINE] LSPG Catholic Club: Kegiatan Easter Celebration “The Golden Chance”

May 8th, 2023|

Jakarta - LSPG Catholic held mass and Easter celebrations in collaboration with LSPG Christian with "The Golden Chance" as the theme. This event was held on Tuesday, 11 April 2023 at 17.00 at the Rafael [...]

[UPDATE] London School Gaming: Victus Campus League Valorant Tournament

May 4th, 2023|

Jakarta - Campus to Campus “Victus Campus League - Valorant Tournament” is a tournament organized by Liga Game and HP Indonesia. Before holding an inter-campus tournament, the Game League held a roadshow to hold an [...]

[UPDATE] BEM LSPR: Social Activity: Beramal “Berkah Ramadan Bersama Londoners”

May 4th, 2023|

Jakarta - The LSPR BEM under the Cakrawangsa Cabinet together with LSPR Cares and LSPR FOMS have held sharing activities with local people in need with the activity title "BERAMAL: Blessings of Ramadan with Londoners". [...]

Where to get Foreign Wife Online

April 16th, 2023|

Many men happen to be attracted to foreign women for the variety of reasons. Like for example , their wonder, family-oriented nature, and hospitability. Some guys also have ancestors from a particular nation and [...]


April 9th, 2023|

LSPR FILM FESTIVAL Sebuah event yang diselenggarakan oleh LSPR FTVC untuk menjadi wadah kreativitas para sineas muda Indonesia. LSPR Film Festival dibuka secara umum untuk Mahasiswa/i se-JABODETABEK dan Komunitas Film di Indonesia. [...]

Signing Ceremony of The Friendly Cooperation Proposal Among Universities From Shandong Province & Indonesia

March 27th, 2023|

#LSPRKabarBaikHariIni LSPR Institute telah mewakili 7 perguruan tinggi Indonesia dalam acara "Signing Ceremony of The Friendly Cooperation Proposal Among Universities From Shandong Province & Indonesia", yang diinisiasi oleh KBRI Beijing dalam rangka "China [...]

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