Aside from the arrival of exchange students, this semester LSPR also have the arrival of its lecturer exchange. At this time, Mr. Paul Faarup and Mr. Rune Fabricius from Zealand Institute of Business and Technology (ZIBAT) had the opportunity to teach at LSPR for one semester. Last 13th of March 2017, the orientation with the lecturers was held at the Trocadero Lounge, 3rd floor Campus B LSPR.
Ms. Nadine from Internal Relations LSPR explained about LSPR to Mr. Paul Faarup from Zealand Institute of Business and Technology
The event begun with campus tour at campus B and accompanied by representatives from the International Office. Then, followed by a discussion session between LSPR’s lecturers with Mr. Paul and Mr. Rune regarding teaching and learning systems at LSPR. This session was also attended by several lecturers from LSPR itself, such as: Mr. Taufan Akbari, Mr. Shahmerdeka, Ms. Candy Hernandez, Ms. Annisa Hara, Mr. Alexander Mamby Aruan, Mr. Jagdesh Vasandani and others. This orientation session was done so that the exchange lecturer can know more about the culture in LSPR. Then the event continued with a campus tour at campus C and A.
Hopefully with this lecturers exchange program can help to improve the quality of teaching at LSPR and also to strengthen relations with between LSPR and Zealand Institute of Business and Technology (ZIBAT). (Nurul)