“OXYEAN PLANT”Saturday 21 March LSPR 4C continue the oxygen environment month event 2015 with hold “OXYEAN PLANT”  at Panggang  Island, Kepulauan Seribu.
The process of planting baby coral

The process of planting baby coral

there are 1000 baby corals and mangroves planted there in order that to keep our sea water abrasion and also educate members and LSPR 4C student that the importance of oxygen for us.

Mangrove planting process

Mangrove planting process

“so far LSPR 4C already planted more than 1800 coral and mangrove 221,000”, said Reynold Anthonys as president of Club 4C.
He also continued “The next generation is important, but more importantly oxygen, because the next generation cannot live without oxygen”. and that is the meaning of the LSPR 4C Oxygen theme this time.

The Student Exchange has participated with this movement

The Student Exchange has participated with this movement

we wait for further innovations from 4C to invite students maintain the environment and it the name of LSPR.
LSPR 4C! Think Green, Act Green, Start from our Hands …

(Aldo Giovani)