Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall filled with students from LSPR Batch 19 on Thursday, December 10, 2015 because of the PAC Day event. The event was presented by batch 17 students majoring in Performing Arts Communications was arranged in an interesting way. The performance by batch 18 students majoring in PAC as the opening event in the campus cafeteria B, and closed by a performance of batch 17.

One of  the student asking question to the speakers

One of the student asking question to the speakers

There was also a talk show about the world of PAC and invited Renata Tirta Kurniawan as the Dean of Performing Arts Communications Department, Radel Lopez as Music Director of LSPR, and another three lecturer in the department of PAC, which were Sobar Budiman, Ermiel Thabrani and Arswendo Atmowiloto who was an experienced in their field.

The plaque of appreaciation was given to speakers and moderator

The plaque of appreaciation was given to speakers and moderator

Closing performanced by PAC batch 17

Closing performanced by PAC batch 17

PAC Day was organized to introduced the majors to batch 19 students who will soon be choosing majors on Majoring Day. In the talk show, the five speakers stated that LSPR is the only campus that has PAC major and hoping that the alumni from the major will be able to become a professional and artistic performers. Besides, Ms. Renata added that choosing the major PAC also does not mean that the students only able to work and play on the stage, but also must be able to work behind the scenes. (Aradhia/ Sabrina)