Parallel by class COMM25-1TP

Show Date : Thursday, 03 March 2022

Show Time : 7.00 – 8.00 PM

Synopsis :

When reality doesn’t fulfill you, where do you escape to?

Coraline is a teenage girl (17) born in a wealthy yet unhappy family. She grows up lonely with maids, no friends, and her parents are arguing most of the time. The family recently moved into a new house, yet the unhappy state of the family remains. As she was going through her stuff, she found a key that leads to a large red door she had never seen before. Entering the door, she was surprised to see a warmer version of her home. Even more so, she was shocked to see a different, more loving and caring version of her parents. She found solace in this parallel world where all her wishes came true. Tired of reality, Coraline comes back the next day, in hopes that she could stay forever. She wakes up the next morning realizing that she remained in the parallel world. Not long after, she noticed something off about this world. Derrick, a friend who is somehow always there for her when she’s at her lowest state, shows up and  warns her about her other mother who turns out to be an evil woman who traps children’s souls. Coraline tries her best to escape. She ran and screamed, trying to find the door and escape the parallel world. Only for us to see her in a mental asylum, tied up to a chair, trying to escape the dangers of her own mind.


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WhatsApp : 081282724617 (Alya)

0812 80401119 (Sachi)

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