Finance information

Reminder Payment of Tuition Fee:
Even Semester 2024/2025

Dear Beloved Students

Warm greetings from LSPR Communication & Business Institute!

We would like to remind you about payment for the Even Semester TA 2024/2025 and the payment deadline before January 15, 2025. For nominal tuition fees for the Even Semester TA 2024/2025, you can also check on your SiAkad account via our website

The payment is a requirement for the filling in of your KRS Even Semester TA 2024/2025

Payment Methods

Transfer via Virtual Account
VA BCA: 01895 + (NIM SiAkad)
VA MEGA: 7873 + (NIM SiAkad)


Finance Counter LSPR Jakarta & Bekasi (QRIS/Debit/Credit Card)


Sudirman Park – Campus C, GF
Phone : (021) 5794 2471 ext. 1106
Hotline : 0815 1021 012122
Halo LSPR : 0817 1717 1992
E-mail : [email protected]

TransPark, 8th Floor
Phone : (021) 8269 1717 ext. 2801
Hotline : 0815 1021 0121
Halo LSPR : 0817 1717 1992 E-mail : [email protected]

Finance Operational Hours

Monday – Friday
09:00 – 19:00

09:00 – 14:00

Third Party Solutions

Academic Calendar