Prita Kemal Gani-one of the characters Public Relations (PR) Indonesia invited by PERFI (The Italian Federation of Public Relations) became a speaker at the Expo Milano 2015 with the topic “Food & Expo: The Role of Communication in Food Promotion Worldwide” on the 27th June 2015 local time in Milan, Italy. On the occasion, Pritchard said that the PR has an important role in popularizing the specialties of a region or state to be recognized by the world community. It is this role lies with the ambassador as the PR state that it represents.
“Without realizing it, the younger generation also runs the PR role. They are very closely related to social media, with easy and inexpensive inform the world’s people about their favorite Indonesian food. This phenomenon also makes the social media users interested in tasting the food “said Prita Kemal Gani who is also President of the ASEAN Public Relations Network (APRN) and is also the Founder and Director of the London School of Public Relations Jakarta.
The event is packed in the form of a talk show was opened by the mayor of Milan, Giuliano PISAPIA. Takes place once every 5 years, in 2010 the event was held in Shanghai and in 2020, planned to be held in Dubai.
During his visit to Europe, one of the organization’s PR, the Global Alliance pointed Prita Kemal Gani as a regional representative for the Asian region under the leadership of Gregor Halff and effective on July 1, 2015.