In celebration of the National Education Day, last Monday, May 2, 2016, the Student Association of Public Relations (HIMA HUMAS) Faculty of Communication Padjadjaran University invited Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR to be able to explain the PR Corner book on Book Discussion event entitled “Get Prepared: Enhancing Your PR Insight”. The Book Discussion was held at the Pacsasarjana Auditorium FIKOM UNPAD, Jatinangor, is an annual work program of the Department of the Academy and Profession, HIMA HUMAS Padjajaran University.
Mrs. Prita shared her experiences of being a practitioner of public relations. In her presentation, a PR does not have to be pretty and handsome, but need to be a figure that is liked by lots of people, to have a friendly personality, has extensive knowledge, and of course, PR must have expertise.