To improve skills as a PR (Public Relations), and know how does PR relations works with the media in Indonesia, LSPR conducted short courses on public relations called “PR Corner Course”. It was held last March 2, 2015 at Rafael Jolongbayan Drama Room and it was open to the public.
PR Corner Courses was divided into two sessions: the first session “Understanding the Media”, which was presented by Arif Zulkifli (Chief Executive Tempo), and the second session on “How to Communicate Effectively with the Media” by Gustav Aulia (News Producer and Presenter from RCTI, and founder of Gustav Aulia Private Courses). All participants who have signed up got the chance to join PR Corner at LSPR Prof. Djayusman Auditorium & Performance Hall in Campus B.
“How to Communicate Effectively with the Media” by Gustav Aulia (News Producer and Presenter from RCTI, and founder of Gustav Aulia Private Courses).
Arif Zulkifli admitted that today there are many journalists who are not responsible. It is also disturbing PR staff who are always in contact with the media. Meanwhile Gustav Aulia thought that a good PR they must understand the things that should be avoided when speaking in front of the media, because when talking to the media, they are just like talking to the public or society. Arif Zulkifli added knowledged on Media Mapping that is also needed by every PR. (Power Young, Uzlifat Rais)