“Competition is when one of each parties are challenging themselves to become a better self. Collaboration, is working together with all the finalists, and to understand each other to become a better team.”, says one of the Mr & Ms LSPR Finalists at the Pre-Pageant session last Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at Prof. Dr. Djayusman Auditorium Performance Hall, LSPR Jakarta. The Top 20 Finalists were given the chance to perform their talents after approximately 3 months of training during the quarantine. The Pre-Pageant session remarks their last showdown before the Coronation Night on the upcoming 12 July 2017, for the further judges’ evaluations.
Enchanting Dubai, as the chosen theme for the event, had successfully enlivened the crowd through the performances of the 20 finalists. With the presence of the four judges, Mr. Immanuel Hutagalung, Ms. Renata, Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari and Ms. Janette, the first session of the evening commenced at 18.00. The night was led by Ms. Michelle and Mr. Juan, as the master of ceremonies, too as the representative of Mr & Ms LSPR 2016.

Ms. Shela Sagita Ramadani as one of the participants of Mr&Ms LSPR 2017 showed her talents doing reporting, acting, singing and dancing

The night began with an entertaining monologue performance by Ms. Justine Sapphira, and followed by a magic show called Lohse perfomed by Mr. Muhammad Arief Rahman from Batch 19, Marketing Communications. The crowd was then soothed down by an acoustic serenade by Mr. Aldy Inzaghi, which then continued with the enchanting dancing performance, of a traditional and modern dance combination, Merak fushion dance by Ms. Sarah Fadrin of Batch 20.

Mr. Rudolf Valentino Riyanto showed his unique talents which is shooting

The crowd was cheered by the performance of Ms. Yohana, with a presenting talent, engaging the audience to a very entertaining marketing show. A very unique contemporary routine, expressing emotions through various dances, was then performed by Mr. Olav Kaurow. The night was then continued to a performance of a unique flower crafting talent by Ms. Amanda Kaery Kartika Palar. Mr. Nathanael Evander Novrado from Batch 20 then continued with his very fascinating radio announcing talent. Mr. Tommy Lim was up next with a very calming poem reading entitled, “Hujan Bulan Juni.” The first session of the evening was closed by an amazing crowd cheering of a Disc Jockey (DJ) performance by Mr. Fransesco Aldo Christian from Batch 19.
The second session commenced after a 30 minutes break. Ms. Shafira from Batch 19 followed the evening with a keyboard performance. Mr. Daniel Alexander then continued with an amusing band performance, playing “Gone Gone Gone” by Philips Philips. A very comical puppeterie show was performed by Mr. Nazry Arisyi from Batch 20. Ms. Sarah D. Agustina then continued the evening with a dancing show, continued with a combination of reporting, dancing, and singing performance of the multitalented Ms. Shila Ramadhani. Mr. Rudolf, then succeeded to engage the audience with his air soft-gun shooting talent, followed by Ms. Janitra Diva, and Ms. Angeline from Batch 19. Representative from Batch 20, Mr. Juanda enchanted the audience with an amazing beatbox talent.

There is also the participants who showed her make up talents; Ms. Angeline

Each of the finalists were faced to a question and answer session by one of the four judges, after every performances. The Pre-Pageant was officially ended, with the performance of the last but not least, Ms. Paska Denberia with her singing and dancing talent.  (Yobella/Nadira)