LSPR thorugh Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM) earned the trust from Bureau of Communicationand Information Service Ministry of Finance to conduct research in the form of Public Education EventCommunications Audit. Activities of public education is one of the ways used by the Ministry of Finance toencourage the target audience to be actively involved in order to obtain information and experience memorable.Therefore, the main question is “How do we create an effective event that can be a means of education while providing a memorable experience of the Ministry of Finance? ”

Observation of public education activities conducted by a research team LPPM
LPPM LSPR Jakarta implement the audit process communication of the month from May to September 2015. The deep and comprehensive study on the implementation of public education activities conducted through threestages: 1) Stage Event Planning (Pre Event) to monitor the operational planning process which discusses the details educational activities .; 2) Implementation Phase Event (Event Realization); to monitor the implementationof the plans that have been made in the planning stages of the event. Communication audit activities carried outthrough observation and interviews to participants and narasumber.3) Phase Post Event; At this stage evaluationof implementation of the event. Evaluation carried out by using a satisfaction survey to participants who take part in public education.

Research Team LSPR with Bureau of Communication and Information Service Ministry of Finance

Presentation the result of audit communication by LPPM
Some recommendations made by LPPM LSPR Jakarta to KLI Bureau of the Ministry of Finance is 1) give the slogan “Informative, Creative and Inspiring” on public education activities; 2) to propose a concept of education”Get Closer with the Ministry of Finance” and 3) Practical Guide Activity Public Education.
This research activity is one of the real contribution LSPR as an educational institution to stakeholders as part ofthe implementation of Tridarma College.