A total of 114 participants consisting of head of public relations polda Throughout Indonesia, officials PID Unit labor Police Headquarters, as well as public relations Polda Metro Jaya present in Sespim Police, Lembang on Thursday, March 16, 2017 in order to follow Rakernis Police Public Relations Year 2017 with the theme ” strengthening Media Management in order to enhance the reputation of the Police and the Police Promoter “.
Mrs. Prita exposing the material on the Role of Public Relations to improve the image of organization.
On this occasion, Mrs. Prita delivered her material on “The Role of Public Relations in Improving the image of an Organization”. Police was ranked as the fourth most State institutions believed by the public, the first is KPK, second TNI, third Presidential Staff Office. Mrs. Prita explained that the role of Public Relations important role in improving the reputation of the police in society. In addition, the reputation of the CEO or head of the company by 45% role in influencing the reputation of the company, a leader needs to be involved with the activity of staff and community, more visible and closer to the media.
Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani with Mr. Boy Rafli Amar Chief of Police Public Relations Division and Speakers
Things needed to be done by the police, conduct an audit of communications, how’s the image of police in the public, the image that they wanted and the result. Through the Communication Audit, the police can find out what strategies needed to be implemented to improve the image of the Police. Police also need to improve relations with the Press as a partner, as it had been done through a TV program on Net TV 86 and Halo Police in Indosiar. Hopefully, the police can establish with the press and will have more productive activities and initiatives.