Kompasianival goes to LSPR Jakarta! This seminar was held at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performence hall, Jakarta last September 26, 2017 which was greeted enthusiastically by the Londoners. The event was opened by Rizky Saragih who told  us what is kompasianival. Kompasianival is a cultivation event of kompasiana. Later on October 21, 2017 will be held the largest bloggers meeting in Indonesia to be held at Lippo Mall, Kemang Village with the theme “Generation Collaboration” and later this event will be open by the Indonesian finance minister Ms. Sri Mulyani.

Echan as a speakers from Pijaru

The first speaker at this seminar was Echan who explained about Pijaru. Pijaru is one of the divisions of the cyber media compass that produces lightweight and impressive video content. They make fun, entertaining and shareble videos. One of Pijaru’s work titled “Surat Untuk Jakarta” won the 2016 FFI trophy for best animated film category and also Hello Fest 2016 for best film category.

Kevin A Legion shared about kompasiana.com

Furthermore the participants were  informed about kompasiana. The difference from kompasiana.com and kompas.com is where kompas.com prefers the news, while kompasiana.com is a media write citizens who where everyone can write anything there either poetry, fiction, recipe cuisine and others. But all the content that we input is not all posted immediately because what we write will be shared again by Kevin A. Legion and content that is not worth to post will be removed.

Mr. Edhie Haryanto from the Deputy Director of Relation Management Group

The seminar was ended by Mr. Edhie Haryanto – the Deputy Director of Relation Management Group at Bank Indonesia who provided insight to us about non-cash money. Where cash is very easy for us in doing various transactions such as paying tolls, paying public transportation such as Commuter Line, Transjakarta and others. (Cut/Anita)