Wednesday, March 4th 2015 Karang Turi Senior High School Semarang got the opportunity to visit STIKOM LSPR. This visit was held with the aim of introducing LSPR and expand communication and understanding of the world in lecturing to students . The students Karang Turi guided and was given an understanding LSPR through LSPR management with MS . Elke Alexandrina , Mr. Kamal , and Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan .
Ms. Elke Alexandrina as Dean campus C has given speech to welcome the students and teachers of Karang Turi High School. Besides Ms. Elke, Mr Kamal as General Manager LSPR also attended and presented about LSPR to students. Held in the Auditorium Professor, Djajusman Campus Auditorium B students also had the opportunity to get the basics of public speaking that was delivered by Ms. Renata Kurniawan. After that Karang Turi Senior High School got the opportunity to explore and experience LSPR Campus Facilities with the campus tour. (Power Young, Uzlifat Rais)