One hundred and fifty students who are candidates of Student League members, participated in the Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) 2016/2017 on 7-9 October 2016 in Cibodas. Students who participated in this activity, was the officer of the 29 clubs in the LSPR. Besides that, the election of president and vice president of Student League 2016/2017 included into the LDK activities.

Briefing and preparation at LSPR Jakarta

Briefing and preparation at LSPR Jakarta

The first day, participants were given the physical exercise in the campus area. Then, they and the committee proceeded to Cibodas. Once there, the participants were given a briefing about the Student League, a way of making proposals, and things – its other administrative matters related to the Student League by Christian Santoso who is the president of the Student League 2013/2014 and Assistant Deputy Director 3.

Groups are formed in order to determine which tent they'll be using.

The participants dividing into groups and living in tents

On the second day, LDK activities was continued with physical exercises and games that can improve the team building of each participant. After that, the participants vote for president and vice president of the Student League 2016/2017 and counting the votes from the students who have been voting on 3 – 6 October 2016 in Campus A, B and C.

Firing up LDK participants by drilling physical exercise.

Warming up before the participants goes to Cibodas

On the last day, Rio Yudhoyono as President of the Student League 2015/2016 gives his last speech and continued with the inauguration of the Student League and the announcement of the president and vice president of Student League in 2016 -2017.
With a difference of 33% of the voting results, Clara and Dewi was elected president and vice president of the Student League 2016/2017. Hopefully Clara & Dewi and their cabinet can bring Student League this year produce many achievements over the previous year. (Nurul)