Starting Friday, October 6th to Sunday, October 8th, one hundred and seventy four students of LSPR participated at the Student League’s Leadership Camp at Bumi Perkemahan in Cibodas. The students who were participated in this activity were the 2017-2018 officers for 29 clubs in LSPR and also two candidates for Student League 2017-2018 Presidents and Vice Presidents along with their cabinets.

Mrs. Renata Kurniawan gave a presentation about character building

The Leadership camp began with some physical exercises at LSPR Campus B parking lot following by some presentations about everything related to Student League once they arrived in Cibodas. On day one, each clubs also had to submit their activities plan for the next 12 months.

Executive committee of Student League 2017 – 2018 was playing “Bakiak” for team building

On the second day, the participants had to make their own breakfast, then followed by some physical exercises and also team building activities. After that, each club must participate in the proposal submission simulation, helped by the two cabinets. Then, The night ended with voting time for the Student League President-Vice President 2017-2018 Election by the executive committee members and Cabinet DC, followed by performances from each divisions around the campfire.

Mr. Imanuel Hutagalung gave a speech for Student League 2017 – 2018

On the last day, Clara Tirta and Dewi gave their last speech as Student League 2016-2017 President and Vice President and then by, Mr Immanuel Hutagalung as PUKET III announced the new President and Vice President of Student League 2017-2018, Lindyana Sartika Soraya and Michelle Theodora. (Tiara)

Former President of Student League, Clara Tirta hand out Indonesian flag to Lindyana Sartika as President of Student League 2017 – 2018