Jakarta – LSPR Choir held a “Singing Online Competition” competition Together as One (21/04). This competition is held only for LSPR Choir members. Participants choose a song that explains their feelings when social distancing. The winner will be given an OVO cash prize of Rp 100,000.
LSPR Teatro held an online sharing session “How to Hit High Notes” with Cherly Messa, LSPR Teatro vocal director 19/20. This online sharing session was held on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, on the IGPR Teatro IGTV platform.
Meanwhile, 30 April 2020, LSPR Modeling held “How to Be Successful in The Fashion Industry”. The speakers are Fahad Scale, Celebrity Fashion Stylist, and former president of LSPR Modeling for the 2012-2013 period. The online fashion talk was held on the IGPR Modeling LSPR platform.
LSPR Dance also enlivened several academic activities during this pandemic. LSPR Dance organizes “Online Dance Class” Vol. II. Online class material is uploaded on LSPR Dance IGTV every Friday. 17:00 WIB. The winners are chosen based on LSPR Dance members who submit their online class results. Two winners will get an OVO cash of Rp 100,000. The winner was chosen by the LSPR Dance choreographer.
Article by Dianka