Our prayers go out to the Acuavera Family who recently lost their son on the spectrum. They did all they possibly could for their loved one, who was turned away because he was a “person under investigation” (PUI); NOT because of his autism (as the title may suggest). https://bit.ly/3aS57dU
This sad news reminds us to stay vigilant, to stay home and to teach our children to wash their hands and social distance.

Each family must have a crisis plan even BEFORE a family member exhibits symptoms:

1- Research lists of nearby hospitals and clinics where you can go for consultation, testing and in the worst case, confinement; and identify potential modes of transportation.

2- Prepare lists of phone numbers of your family members, devped and therapists, in case you need their help.

3- Write down a brief sensory profile of your child which would be helpful to a healthcare worker (in case they need to be isolated). Identify soothing techniques and sensory preferences, if needed.

4- Discuss scenarios with family members on action plans in case someone gets sick. Identify isolation zones in the home and each family member’s responsibilities in the recovery effort, if any.

5- Calmly and factually discuss COVID-19 with your children on the spectrum, suited to their level of understanding, using available materials from credible health experts.

6- Please heed the medical advise of doctors you trust.

This somber news reminds us to continue to pray for the protection of the vulnerable and the healing of those striken. God bless us all!

  • 53rd Anniversary ASEAN Day Celebration (August 8 2020) 


ASEAN Prize Winner 2018 Dang Koe greets ASEAN on its 53rd Foundation Day, on behalf of the Autism Society Philippines (29:13): “Amidst the global pandemic, ASEAN is in a unique position to drive mechanisms that will inspire policy reform and bring hope to marginalized communities, such as citizens living with disabilities. It is our prayer that as we gear up for a BETTER NORMAL, where we adapt, innovate and triumph — our countries will ensure no one is left behind. Mabuhay ang ASEAN!” https://bit.ly/2C7LC5R