On Friday, 29 April 2016, Tame Impala held their second show in Jakarta 5 years after their first visit. They weren’t alone to perform this time as the band was opened by Indonesia’s very own Barasuara. The Perth-based band managed to stupefy the whole crowd with their amazing visuals and sound.

More than 5000 people were inside the Parkir Selatan Senayan area (photo credit: dokumentasi KiosPLAY)
Known for their psychedelic feel, Tame Impala brought their older songs such as Mind Mischief, Why Wont They Talk to Me and Apocalypse Dream along with songs from their 2015 album Currents. The show was part of their Currents tour, ending their Southeast Asia tour with Indonesia. “It’s good to finally be back in Indonesia. It’s almost been five years since we’ve met! And we haven’t forgotten about you, I promise,” said frontman Kevin Parker.

The psychedelic feel was not only from their performance but also through their super graphics (photo credit: dokumentasi KiosPLAY)

Tame impala ended the show with encore songs, Feels Like We Only Go Backwards & New Person Same Old Mistakes (photo credit: dokumentasi KiosPLAY)
The show surpassed a total of 5000 concert-goers crowding the Parkir Selatan Senayan area, with people already lining up hours before the show. The enthusiasm of the crowd was clearly felt as they danced and sang to each song. Tame Impala finally ends the night with Feels Like We Only Go Backwards and New Person, Same Old Mistakes. The show was brough to you by local entertainment curator, kiosPLAY. (Nabila / Desy)