Jakarta – This Mental Health Seminar is an activity that should be done directly for LSPR Communication & Business LSPR Jakarta students, but due to a pandemic case, the seminar was finally conducted online. Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D. as Vice-Rector III said that there were 3 important things for LSPR to make this Mental Health seminar series.

The first refers to the Basic Health Research data conducted by the Ministry of Health in 2018, showing the prevalence of mental-emotional disorders in the population aged 15 years and over from 6.1% in 2013 to 9.8% in 2018. That is, around 12-14 million Indonesian population aged 15 years and suffering from depression

Research entitled “A Tool Help or Harm? Online Social Media Use and Adult Mental Health in Indonesia “in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction states that excessive use of social media is harmful to mental health because it can cause depression. Increased use of social media is associated with an increase in Center Center Epidemiological Studies Depression / CES-D scores or depression scale in a person by 9%.

Mr. Taufan explained, “Mental health problems cannot be considered trivial. So that LSPR Jakarta makes promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts that need comprehensive efforts involving all health development actors and the community. Such as medical doctors, paramedics, psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists, nurses, pharmacists, law, and the mental health department of LSPR students. The goal is to remain stable and remain in good condition so that it can be easier in living everyday life or lecturing process. “

He also explained that the world also made World Mental Health Day, and one of the findings this year was depression which is a disruption to the millennial generation, Z and Alpha. At present, there are the top 10 diseases that suffer most from millennials, and this is included in the category of depression. So LSPR initiated to hold a mental health seminar for students. So that students not only become qualified graduates of communication but have psychological maturity, emotional maturity, and social intelligence. So that it can give birth to LSPR graduates with personal maturity academically and psychologically.

Some factors that cause mental health disorders, according to his description are media overload. Currently, information can be accessed 24 hours with a variety of content. Among them is frightening news and creates despair and fear. Furthermore, irregular working time. Millennials currently do not seem to have free time to rest from their work, all this is due to several stressors or exposure to new digital devices that are addictive. Thus creating an excessive burden of thought due to higher external demands, and addiction to the device so that the activity becomes excessive.

Short tips to become a Tough student through social problems in lectures, stressed Mr. Taufan, “do not compare yourself with others, participate in organizational activities that shape character, confidence, and strong personal branding forms. Don’t be afraid to take part, don’t depend on your friends, including hanging your emotions on your friends, managing time with discipline, having positive discussion friends and inner circle, then form your definition of success. ”

In this webinar, he added that future expectations for LSPR students were related to mental health, which is to position themselves as emotional masters and not from circumstances. Do not be afraid to discuss with people who are trusted, including psychologists. “Every problem has a solution as long as we try and it is not stored alone. Limit access to social media that does not construct mentally, and always pray and be close to God, “he said closing this online seminar.

Article by Putri Syifa

Photo source by YouTube Channel – LSPR Jakarta

YouTube – LSPR Jakarta